Library for Educators

A compact guide to library services for teaching staff
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Most wireless devices should be able to automatically connect to the TAFESA or TAFESA-BYOD wireless networks with the following basic steps:

  1. On your device, go to the wireless networks area in the settings.  Select the wireless network:
    • TAFESA if the device is TAFE-owned
    • TAFESA-BYOD for other devices
  2. When prompted, fill in your username and password (the network login you use to login to your workstation)

You might be prompted about a certificate when connecting. You must click Allow.

If you change your network password, you'll need to make the same change on your mobile device.

See this help page for further assistance in accessing TAFE SA wireless networks.

Library staff are able to assist both students and teaching staff with wi-fi access and changing passwords - don't hesitate to ask us.