Reservations may be placed on any item anywhere in the TAFE SA network and you can choose to collect them from any campus.
Search for title and view record in full display.
Click Place Reservation in the Find It! box at the right of the screen. This button will only appear if items are reservable.
If you're not already logged in to your account, enter your borrower ID and PIN.
Select the location you would like collect the item from.
If you wish, you can select an expiry period (i.e. if you will not need the item after a particular date, you can put that as the expiry date so you won't be notified about it when you no longer need it.) Click Continue. Select Cancel if you don't want to place the reservation.
If you proceed, details of reservation will be displayed, including your current rank in reservations for the title.
You can check what reservations you have at any time by logging into your library account and selecting Available reservations from your Dashboard screen.