How many items can I borrow?
Up to 30
How long for?
Most items can be borrowed for 28 days, but this may vary for different programs and courses.
Staff equipment is generally available for overnight or short term loan - the period may vary according to the item and campus. Ask at your library for details of specific items.
Can I borrow items from any TAFE library?
Yes. As a TAFE SA staff member, you can borrow items from any of our campus libraries. If you find an item on the catalogue located at another campus, you can reserve it and ask for it to be sent to the campus of your choice for you to pick up (it doesn't have to be the one you teach at). This guide to searching the library catalogue will tell you more. You can also return your items to any TAFE SA campus.
How can I extend my loans?
Login to your library account to view your current loans and renew them if you'd like to have them longer. (You don't have to bring the books to the library to do this). Usually this is ok unless you have overdues, in which case contact us to arrange it for you.
You can renew an item twice.
Is it OK if I borrow items on my card and lend them to students (or lend students my card)?
No. If they lose the items, you will be liable for them.