Library for Educators

A compact guide to library services for teaching staff
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ClickView videos

Underneath each video, there's a Share tab - click that and you'll be presented with options to Create a clip, Link to this video or Embed this video:

  • By copying the code in Embed this video and pasting it into the html view of your Moodle page, you can have the video play right on the page so students won't have to go to an external link.
  • Link to this video allows you to simply copy and paste the link to your page and you can set it to open in an external tab or window.
  • Create a clip allows you to embed just a section of the video that you want students to watch. When you click this option, you'll be prompted to select a start and end time for the clip you want and you'll be prompted to proceed from there.

Students will need to login to view the videos, using their TAFE SA Single Sign On credentials (email address & password.)


Many of the ClickView videos have accompanying transcripts.  If you require a transcript for a video that doesn't already have one, you can email the ClickView Helpdesk at and simply ask them to add the transcript.


Extra features

ClickView offers a number of features that enable lecturers to customize and add content.  You can:

  • Add interactivity to any of the videos by inserting quizzes, discussion topics etc.
  • Upload your own video content from your camera or mobile device
  • Access worksheets and other teaching resources for each video
  • Create personalised lists of content
  • Map videos to specific units of competency in your training package

Contact Digital Librarian Annette Dornin or your liaison librarian for further information and assistance. 

You can also learn more via the ClickView help pages or watching this video: