We provide e-books from ProQuest’s Ebook Central. These are available via the library catalogue.
To find e-books:
Enter your search terms in the search field and select E-books from the menu box next to it:
To open them:
Click on View availability then click the link that says Click HERE to go to e-book.
You'll be taken to an information page about the book, with options to Read Online or Download it.
You can read a title online for 10 minutes. To access it longer, you will be asked to take out a "loan" so you'll need to login. If you choose Download, you'll be prompted to login straight away.
Before you can login, you'll need an Ebook Central account. If you don't have one already, create one at the prompt. We recommend you use your TAFE SA username and password so you don't have to remember another login. When you've filled in the details, click on Join Ebook Central.
You will receive an email confirmation with a link which you must click to activate your login.
To read them (for longer than 10 minutes):
To keep reading an e-book for longer than 10 minutes, you will be asked to take out a "loan". For most e-books, this is for 7 days. If you need it for longer, simply take out another loan when the first one runs out.
While you’re reading online you can also downloadthe whole book or individual chapters, and copy and print pages. You can't copy an entire book - each book will tell you how many pages you can print and copy and built-in protection will prevent you from copying or printing more than this.
You can also highlight text and add notes and bookmarks - these will be saved in your account so if you return to the book in the future they will still be there.
You can also download in PDF format to your own device to read offline (you won't be able to print or copy though). It can be accessed for up to 7 days, and must be viewed on the device it was downloaded to. To read offline you'll need:
On PCs and laptops: Adobe Digital Editions - follow the links on screen to download and install
On IOS and Android devices: Bluefire - you can get it from the app store