My Information Skills

Self-paced tutorials on research and study skills for TAFE SA students

Search for streaming videos

TAFE SA Libraries have videos available to view online from the ClickView streaming video library. You can view these videos on or off campus. If you are on campus, you should be able to access the videos directly from our catalogue without logging in.  When off campus, you will be required to log in.

To access ClickView videos:

  1. All the ClickView titles are listed on the library catalogue, so you find them in your search results, or you can search only for streaming videos by selecting "streaming videos" from the dropdown menu at the end of the quicksearch box.
    Streaming video search
  2. Each video listed on the catalogue will have a link underneath - if you're on campus, click this link to go directly to the video:

ClickView access links

See the TAFE SA libraries guide on Streaming Videos.