My Information Skills

Self-paced tutorials on research and study skills for TAFE SA students

Examples - books with multiple authors


Book cover

In this example, our book has several authors.

Again, the bibliographic information we need to write our citation is found on the title page and reverse title page.

(Click on image to view a larger version)

Book with multiple authors

As with all books, our Harvard end-text reference will follow the following pattern:

Formatting pattern for books


The Harvard end-text reference for this book will be:

Thompson, AA, Peteraf, MA, Gamble, JE & Strickland, AJ 2014, Crafting and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage, 19th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.

The in-text reference will look like this:

(Thompson et al. 2014)



  • When there are more than three authors (or editors), your in-text citation only needs to list the first author followed by the abbreviation et al. (latin for 'and others').
    e.g. (Jones et al. 2011)
  • Include all of the authors in your end-text citation.
  • Provide details of the edition after the title. Use the abbreviation edn (no full-stop).
  • In this example, the city of publication is a capital city, so the state does not need to be included.