My Information Skills

Self-paced tutorials on research and study skills for TAFE SA students

Searching the Internet

Start searching the Internet using a search engine.  Google is easily the best known search engine, but it's not the only one!  Many browsers now have built-in search engines - try them and see how the results compare.   

See the TAFE SA libraries study guide called Research using the Internet for detailed information on search engines, search strategies, evaluation and referencing.

This video produced by Classroom Video provides a more in-depth look at researching using the Internet. (If you are off-campus, click here to obtain login details to access the video):

If you do use Google, take a look at their search tips to make search results more precise.  Because Google has been so successful, other search engines have added similar features, so most of these tips and tricks will work on other search engines as well.

Advanced Search is a feature common to most databases and helps you make your searches more specific, by allowing you to narrow down a search by language, date range, keyword phrases, or website type (examples:  You can also use the Boolean search techniques (AND, OR and NOT) mentioned under How do I find my information? 

Google's Advanced Search feature looks like this:

Google Advanced Search screen

Look for a similar "advanced search" feature in other search engines and databases to see how you can make your searches more exact.