My Information Skills

Self-paced tutorials on research and study skills for TAFE SA students

Harvard in-text citations

The Harvard referencing style used at TAFE SA uses in-text and end-text citations formatted in a very specific order and style.

Here you can see an example of an essay that has been written using Harvard referencing:

Harvard in-text citations

  • The in-text citation generally gives only the author/s surname/s or family name/s and the year of publication.
  • If your sentence referred to a quote or specific piece of information that was obtained from a particular page within your source, you would also include page numbering within the in-text citation. 
  • The in-text citation must be placed within the sentence, or after the sentence, where you have used the information.
  • The author only needs to be included if he/she has not already been stated in the sentence.
  • Include the names of all authors. If there are more than three authors, you can use the abbreviation et al. - this is a latin abbreviation meaning 'and others'.


Examples of Harvard in-text citations follow, using the bibliographic data for this book:

book cover

Who: Tanya Ha
When: 2008
What: The Australian Green Consumer Guide: choosing products for a healthier planet, home and bank balance
Where: (publisher) University of New South Wales Press, (place) Sydney

At the beginning of a sentence. For example:

Ha (2008) states...

In the middle of the sentence. For example:

The theory of ... in Ha (2010, p. 53-54) predicts that...

At the end of the sentence. For example:

It has been said that... (Ha 2008, p. 61)