My Information Skills

Self-paced tutorials on research and study skills for TAFE SA students

Examples - articles from online databases

Online databases available through the library website are a great source of good quality articles that are easily searchable. All of the bibliographic information you'll need to construct your reference can be found on the first screen you see when you click on an article from your search results list.

bibliographic information for an online article

To create an end-text reference in the Harvard style for an online article, we need to follow the following formatting:

formatting pattern for an online database


The Harvard end-text reference for this article will be:

Reale, E 2014, 'Doing what we can to improve environmental sustainability', Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 1 April 2014, vol. 21, issue 9, p. 9, Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre.


The in-text reference will look like this:

(Reale 2014, p. 9)



  • The title of the article is surrounded by single quotation marks.
  • The title of the magazine or journal is in italics. All the words are capitalised.
  • The word 'volume' is abbreviated to vol. (with a lowercase 'v').
  • The word 'page' is abbreviated to p.
  • A range of pages is abbreviated to pp.
    e.g. pp. 12-16.
  • Include the full page range of the article in your end-text reference.
  • You only need to include a page number in your in-text reference if you refer to something found specifically on that page.
  • Include the name of the database platform where you accessed the article.
  • Many online databases include a 'cite' feature that will generate an end-text citation for you. Be aware that the Harvard style used may not be identical to the Harvard style used at TAFE SA.