Library Starter Kit

A how-to guide to TAFE SA library services
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Library terminology

Confused by library jargon??  Here's what some common library terms mean.


Summary of the main points of a book or journal article.  Databases will sometimes include abstracts of some articles, instead of the complete articles themselves.

Authentication A security feature in websites, databases, online systems etc. that employs usernames and passwords to validate the identity of users before allowing them access.
Bibliography List of references to books, articles, websites etc. used for research and found at the end of an essay or publication. 
Boolean searching A means of combining keywords to broaden or narrow search results. The operators (or joining words) AND and NOT narrow a search, while OR broadens a search.  Most often used to find articles in database searching. 
Browser A software program that enables users to access the Internet. Internet Explorer, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are some of the most commonly used browsers
Call number

A group of numbers and/or letters that identifies a specific item in a library and shows where in the collection it can be found.  The library collection is usually arranged in order by these numbers.  The call number appears on a label on the spine or front of a book or other item and is listed on the library catalogue so you can locate it.  Most TAFE SA libraries use the Dewey Decimal System for call numbers.  


A database of all the items held by a library.  Ours is at

CD-ROM A similar type of disc to an audio CD, but holding other types of information (e.g. text, video, software etc.) rather than just music.  
Circulation desk The main service desk in the library, usually near the entrance, where you borrow and return items and ask staff for help.

Basic information which identifies a publication, including author, title, publisher, date of publication, issue numbers, page numbers etc.. Also called a reference.  Citations may appear in the body of an essay or assignment and are usually listed together at the end in a bibliography.

Copyright Law protecting authors/creators from illegal copying of their work.

A collection of information, usually in electronic form, that is organized so that the information can be easily searched and retrieved.  TAFE SA libraries subscribe to a number of databases containing large numbers of journal articles, e-books etc. which can be used in your studies..

Debarred No longer allowed to borrow from the library, usually because you have had an item long past the due date.  You can still use items within the library, login to library computers etc.  The "bar" is removed when you return the late item.
Dewey Decimal System The most widely used system for assigning call numbers, which appear on the spines of library books and show where the book is located on the shelves. The Dewey Decimal System organizes books by subject, so that all the books on the same subject are grouped together.  See Finding Items on the Shelves.
Due date Date when a borrowed book or other item you've borrowed needs to be returned to the library or renewed.
DVD-ROM A DVD disc, but holding more types of information (e.g. text, software, interactive programs etc.) than just video.  Similar to a CD-ROM, but with the capacity to hold significantly more information.
E-book Book that is available in an electronic format .
E-journal Journal published in electronic format.
Full text The complete article or book is available online for you to read. Many of our databases contain full-text journal articles.

Same as reservation

Holdings The materials owned by a library.  Our catalogue shows the holdings at all our campus libraries.
Inter-library loan Service that allows you to borrow materials from another library through your own library.

Same as periodical

Keyword A significant word or term in the title or description of a book, article, etc. that can be used as a search term.  Common words like the, a, and, of etc. are usually not used as keywords because they are so common that they would not help narrow down a search. 
Monograph A publication issued as a single complete unit - or in other words, a book.

The library catalog.  It stands for Online Public Access Catalogue.

PDF A file format developed by Adobe that allows files to be copied, transferred or printed without changes to their original appearance.  Unlike Word documents, PDFs usually cannot be edited.

A publication issued on a regular basis, usually containing a mixture of contents by different authors.  Can be in print or electronic format.  Periodicals, journals and magazines are essentially different terms for the same thing.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is the copying or borrowing of the work or ideas of another author and presenting it as your own without acknowledgement.  Plagiarism is a serious offence in TAFE SA and most other educational institutions.  Avoid it by referencing your assignments correctly.
Reference collection A collection of items that can only be used within the library (i.e. referred to, not borrowed) - usually includes dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and atlases.
Referencing The practice of giving appropriate credit to the sources you have quoted or referred to in your assignments. This includes providing references (also called citations) in the body of your assignment, and listing them in a bibliography at the end. The Harvard referencing system is the most commonly used method for giving citations, but consult your lecturer first to learn what their preferred method is.  See Harvard Referencing.

Extension of the loan period of an item you have borrowed. You can renew your loans online by logging into your library account - see Borrowing, Returning & Renewing for more information.


Placing a "hold" on an item that is currently on loan to another borrower so that you will receive it next.  You can place reservations on items via the library catalogue.

Reserve collection Books that are in high demand or on reading lists are sometimes selected by your lecturers to put in the Reserve Collection. These books are usually held at the circulation desk and can only be used within the library, but there may be extra copies of the same book that you can borrow.

Same as periodical

Stacks Shelves in the library where books and other materials are stored, usually arranged by call number.