Library Starter Kit

A how-to guide to TAFE SA library services
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Harvard referencing

When you're studying, your lecturer needs to see how your research of other people's work has helped you to form your knowledge and understanding. To provide backup for arguments you make in your writing, you need to demonstrate the depth of your reading and that your sources of information are professional and reliable.

However, there are some important ethical and legal issues to consider whenever you use someone else's information. If you refer to someone else's words or ideas without acknowledging the original author, you are claiming it as your own. You are in fact 'stealing' the creator's moral rights, and this is called plagiarism. At TAFE SA, plagiarism would be dealt with under the TAFE SA Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating.

Referencing, or citing, acknowledges the sources of information you have used, allowing you to be sure you have avoided these issues. The following guides and tutorials have been developed by the TAFE SA librarians to show you how to reference using the TAFE SA Harvard style:

Referencing Guides
Contains printable study guides, examples, and demonstration videos on Harvard and other referencing styles

Harvard Referencing at TAFE SA - Learn course
An open interactive online course on how to reference at TAFE SA and how to evaluate the quality of your sources

My Information Skills - How do I reference?
A thorough self-paced tutorial on Harvard Referencing at TAFE SA