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Visual Arts Subject Guide

Searching library catalogue and databases

New to Library

Resources in the library

Click on a title to see where that item is held. 

You can reserve items held in any of our libraries and have them sent to the library of your choice - read here to find out how.

Click on a title to see where that item is held. 

You can reserve items held in any of our libraries and have them sent to the library of your choice - read here to find out how.

Click on a title to see where that item is held. 

You can reserve items held in any of our libraries and have them sent to the library of your choice - read here to find out how.

Online resources

If you're on campus, just click on any of these titles to play the video.
If you're off campus, you'll be asked for a login - go to this page to obtain a login ID.

Hover over "information" icon (Information icon) next to each item to see a description.

To search for Australian Standards:

  1. Go to our Online Databases tab on the library home page
  2. Login to your library account
  3. Select the Australian Standards (Techstreet) link
  4. Signup for an individual account, once your account is created, sign into the database using your personal login
  5. Fileopen and adobe acrobat software will need to be downloaded and installed on your PC to view Australian standards (
  6. Search by Australian Standard number, keyword or subject

See our Australian Standards Database Guide for further help.