Uploading your video for submissions in LEARN
- Select the Assignment icon/ link; this link indicated that you are required to submit an assignment online
- Select the Add submission button
- Use the YuJa button in the Atto text editor. Note: If you can't see the Atto editor, you need to let your Lecturer know that the assessment area has not been set up for accepting online text or video submissions.
- Search and select from the videos already in your media folder in YuJa and add to your submission
- Select the Save Changes button when required
- Your assessment is considered as draft until it is submitted so you may select the Edit submission button to continue working on it
- Ensure you select Save changes again when you are finished
- When finished, select the Submit assignment button, and then select the Checkbox which acknowledges the work is your own and then select the Continue button to submit your assessment for feedback and an assessment outcome
- Your assignment will be submitted, and no further changes can be made. Your lecturer will be notified when you have submitted an assignment and will provide feedback to you online. You will receive notification via email when your lecturer has provided a grade or feedback.
Note: If you also required to add a file(s) with your video, upload the files in the space provided before submitting.