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Information Technology Subject Guide

Resources for TAFE SA IT courses

Website Development

The Website Development course teaches you how to develop new websites and update existing ones. Topics covered include markup languages, technical protocols and standards, site performance, database integration, implementation and acceptance testing.


Here are some of the latest news and articles in the field:


Check out this Website Development Pinterest Board for infographics, cheat sheets and much more!

Featured Library Resources

Additional Resources

See these instructions on how to find and play the videos

In studying Website Development, you may need to use Australian Standards. TAFE SA students and staff can access these via the Techstreet platform.

To access the platform, you will need to create your own account and install the free FileOpen software.  

To search for Australian Standards (TechStreet):

  1. Go to our Online Databases page
  2. Log in to your library account
  3. Select the Australian Standards (TechStreet) link
  4. Create your account and sign-in
  5. Search by Australian Standard Number, Keyword or Subject

See our Australian Standards Database Guide for further help or contact your library.

A useful source of information is the Gale OneFile: Science database, which contains articles from leading publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.

The ANZRC (Australian and New Zealand Reference Centre) database contains articles from Australian Personal Computer, Computerworld, Information Today, PC Week and PC World.

The IEEE Xplore Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library is a specialised collection of eBooks focused on data privacy, cybersecurity, and related fields. The library includes over 225 titles, with new titles added annually. It covers topics such as computer security, cryptography, networking/security, data analysis, data mining, and communication systems security. It is designed for students, researchers, engineers, and technical professionals and includes reference titles, professional/trade titles, Dummies guides, and study guides