Australia New Zealand Reference Centre
Searchable database containing articles from magazines, newspapers, e-books, industry newsletters, and academic journals.
For help using this database, see our guide to ANZRC
Emerald Insight contains full-text articles and abstracts for a range of subjects within business, finance, tourism, marketing and health and social care.
For help using this resource, see our guide to Emerald Insight.
Health and Wellness database provides information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices, and more.
For help using this resource, see our guide to Gale Health and Wellness.
Newsbank is a searchable database from Australian newspapers and news sources, including local, "The Advertiser", regional and national papers.
Science Direct provides comprehensive coverage of literature across all fields of science.
For further assistance with this resource, see our guide to Science Direct
Brazen Hussies
A revealing documentary celebrating the legacy of the bold women of the Women's Liberation Movement who re-ignited the feminist revolution in Australia.
International Women's Day
IWD is celebrated every year on March 8, but why is this day important? What does the day signify? This Miniclip explores the origins of women's suffrage throughout Australia's modern history including the granting of voting rights for women. It also discusses damaging stereotypes for both girls and boys, the presence of gender inequality that still exists today, and how to celebrate the women in your own life.
Women in Australia 1890 -1990
Using archival footage and photographs, this is a fascinating portrayal in 4 parts. 1. 1890-1907 : Victorian notions of femininity and the first activists for the vote. 2. 1920-1935 : The 'flapper', scientific motherhood, and the Depression. 3. 1939-1950 : WWII, migration campaigns. 4. 1960-1990 : Social rebellion, Women's Liberation movement, equal pay, social change
The Fight for Women's Rights in Australia
This clip illustrates the struggle for women's rights at the turn of the century. Background information and attitudes towards women are provided. Women achieved the right to attend university and vote during this era, and continued to fight for better labour laws and choices,